Fire The Black Caucus!

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( Many Blacks saw the news concerning The American Jobs Act, not passing the United States Senate, as a major setback. It does not have to be. Without the distraction of The American Jobs Act, we can turn our attention to our real problem. Our problem, as a race of people, with historically high unemployment is not our lack of energy and a strategy to resolve our problems. It is a lack of leadership. Let me repeat myself in the event some of us may have missed the point of my conveyance. We do not lack a legitimate strategy and energy to resolve our historically high unemployment rates. We lack the leadership necessary to institute the strategy.

Today, in comparison to the sixties and the seventies, we purportedly have  200 times the number of so-called “black leaders” and a President. Yet, those Black leaders of the sixties and seventies, though small in number, were more productive than “our leaders” of today in helping to get legislation through Congress, which positively affected the lives of Black people. There was, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which gave the federal government the power to desegregate schools and public accommodations such as hotels and restaurants, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which helped to eliminate road blocks to voting, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Equal Employment Act of 1972, which corrected defects in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the area of employment.

We can take a page from the Tea Party’s playbook concerning how they organized around one idea, which was less government. The Tea Party identified the most vulnerable group of their so-called national leadership, which were members of the House of Representatives and replaced the incumbents with Tea Party activists. We can do the same! So now, I think you can see where I am going with this. Fire the Black Caucus! These are primarily people who hold office in largely Black districts and are Democrats. They have not been productive in resolving the primary Black issues of high unemployment and job creation. If you aspire to be involved in national government, this is your opportunity to run against these incumbents and win!

Like the Tea Party, we have to unite around one idea. That one idea would be a workable job creation plan, which is the Davis Deficit Neutral Stimulus Plan. To the writers who regularly contribute to and other sites, hear me out. This is your opportunity, and it is a “ win-win” opportunity for the Black community. Adoption of the Davis Plan as your primary platform for job creation guarantees your win, because the plan is rational. Either the incumbent has to reject the plan or come to agree with you that the Davis Plan is a viable means of job creation. If they reject the plan, the incumbents have to convince the public of their reasons for rejection and that will not be easy.

Why? Just as the Tea Party strategy for “less government” proved not to be radical, the Davis Plan is not radical either, as you can point to its long existence in the private sector, where retirees have been taking partial distributions from their retirement principal for decades. You as a challenger would be advocating transferring this practice to the public sector. If the incumbents agree with you and co-opt the Davis Plan, then you as a challenger would actually challenge them to present the plan as legislation in the House of Representative.

This will require them to work, as Republicans will not be receptive. You could then argue to the voter you are best suited to represent your district in seeing this plan become law, as its original advocate rather than incumbent, who has come to support the plan late for personal gain. Information about the plan has been available since November of 2010. Just as the Tea Party was successful, we can be successful if we organize this offense as a group, running a challenger in every district where a Black incumbent is up for re-election. We can even have a convention in central Florida. Fire the Black Caucus! These are difficult times for our community. We can choose whether we are going to stand for change or give into folks whom you know are not representing your best interest. If you have the courage to run against the Black Caucus incumbent in your district, go to and in the area reserved for comments, leave your name, phone number and e-mail address, and you will be contacted. Are we not as good as the Tea Party at organizing?

Here Is The Job Creation Platform On Which We Will Run
A start to an end to this recession begins with your commitment. The recession’s end can be done cleanly and without adding to the deficit by putting money into hands of retiring baby boomers. You just simply have to change how Social Security checks are paid. Let the boomers have partial distribution of their Social Security principal in the amount of $20,000.00 or $40,000.00 dollars, and issue them a monthly check on the remainder of their principal. Look, let us say it takes $313,000.00 dollars in principal at 6.9% interest to send me a monthly Social Security check of $1800.00 dollars.

Therefore, I say to Social Security, I would like to have a part of my money up front, say $40,000.00 dollars. Now pay me a monthly check on the remainder, which is in this instance $273,000.00 dollars, which amounts to a monthly check of $1569.00 dollars. That makes this plan (let us call it the Davis Plan) deficit neutral. It is their money, for heavens sake! Presenting a partial distribution option of your retirement principal is common practice in the private sector. Yet we allow the largest payer of pensions, the Social Security Trust Fund, not to do it at a time when it will benefit our economy the most. The impact of allowing partial distributions, which is simply taking down a part of your pension principal and then rolling over the rest to be received monthly would pull, no, jerk this economy out of this recession! BOOMERS ARE RETIRING AT A RATE OF 10,000 PER DAY STARTING IN JANUARY! 10,000 x $20,000.00 = $200,000,000.00 million dollars.

That is right! They will dump that amount into this faltering economy each day for the next 18 years. That amount in effect is really $400,000,000.00 million per day because money handed directly to the consumer turns over 1 to 2 times. There are 68 to 72 million boomers depending on who is counting. THIS IS A NO BRAINIER! With $400,000,000. MILLION DOLLARS coursing through this economy every day, the recession ends! It is the boomers and their kids who are getting hardest hit in this recession anyway! Let us fire the Black Caucus!  

Staff Writer; James Davis

More information about JD and his Deficit Neutral Stimulus Plan Can be founded at