Stay motivated towards your goals…

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( Ten sure fire ways toward success…

Goals can never be accomplished if your spirit is malnourished and your outlook is bleak. Here are 10 ways to stay motivated:

1. Make a list of people you admire, are successful in the way you desire, and are examples of your values. Is there any one you can ask to be a mentor to you?

2. Consider joining or starting a support group that will give you a sense of community and a connection with people who share similar goals.

3. Post your goals and visuals in a visible place for you and others to see.

4. Exercise and meditate regularly and remember to slow down.

5. Open yourself to advice and learning, especially from those you respect and trust.

6. Surround yourself with positive people and things.

7. Relax your expectations. Be open, willing, and flexible towards change.

8. Congratulate yourself on small accomplishments, it helps to build your confidence and prepares you for bigger challenges. By all means, look for ways to enjoy yourself.

9. Review your goals regularly. Make adjustments and remove things if they no longer serve you or inspire you.

10. Challenge yourself! Dare to risk and take on bigger challenges.

Keep your vision of success bright and alive by sharing it with others, it’s bound to add accountability and helps to keep you focused. The dream becomes bigger than you and is now out in the world. Like a potted plant, check in and nurture your goals regularly. Some days will be glorious, others may be less inspiring but being open to change, and possibility will get you through.

Written By Sandra A. Daley

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