Mike Ramey; Memo-Don’t Recommend D.A.D.T.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me say this up front. Homosexuality is a sin which has long been hated among Asians, Hispanics and African American communities. This is a FACT!

Wait, there IS more!

Take a stroll through any public school and you will hear male or female students coming down on their classmates for exhibiting what may be interpreted as ‘gay’ behavior, whether you are in the classroom, the lunchroom or on the school bus.

Still not ‘socially aware?’ Check THIS out! In many US cities, the quickest way to get noticed by, and/or on the wrong side of many modern street gangs is to be out-of-the-closet. If the truth be told, modern street gangs are very much against recruiting or admitting gay members of either sex. There  has never been a ‘gay pride’ march through gang controlled neighborhoods.

With all of the evidence against homosexuality, one would be hard pressed to explain how the issue has managed to gain steam in our society outside of pure selfishness. Some in the biblical know could also tie the matter to demonic influence. Be that as it may, the ‘fantasy’ view by some in the MSM/Hollywood/Sports kabal is that by ‘tying’ the issue to people of color, it will be made palatable and acceptable under the mantra of tolerance.

Nothing could be further from the truth, as we are going to find out this month.


There have been many arguments over the years between Civil Rights movement supporters such as myself and the homosexual, feminist and environmental lobbies.

Let us go back in time.

How quickly we forget that we–in the land of the free–were considered indentured servants, slaves, and then three-fifths of a person. In the not too distant past Black folk arrived at a crossroads in this country where economic access, equality under the law, and the right to vote were going to be more than talk.

This is what led to the creation of the Civil Rights movement.

(As an aside–thanks to my knowing and understanding our history–this is also why I have a low boiling point concerning those of our race who fancy themselves as pimps, thugs, hoes, clowns and entertainers–but I digress).

The Civil Rights struggle started in the church, and was made manifest to the nation. Many, many, many video hours of our sufferings as part of the movement still exist. As citizens, those who were with the movement determined our rights were going to be real–and upheld–by the nation in which we lived. The struggle ended with a solid victory by Black folk. To paraphrase Dr. Walter E. Williams: “The battle for Civil Rights is over and WE won!”

Unfortunately, the beauty of our victory was short lived. The
revolution may not be televised, but the movement was corrupted! The lobby groups I mentioned before–ever on the lookout for something that works–‘discovered’ the power and tactics of the Civil Rights movement. The history of the movement quickly ‘disappeared’ or was amended. The homosexual, feminist and environmentalist lobbies–by hook, crook and cash–bent and shaped our Civil Rights victory into a more inclusive form–much like Madison Avenue, Hollywood, and the sports media siphon off words and phrases created in the Black community to sell in the ‘broader’ marketplace, without having to ‘deal’ with the ‘cultural creators’.


Little did these mainstream lobby groups care about the mines of various sizes in the water as they chugged the good ship D.A.D.T. repeal towards the Pentagon and Congress. The biggest mine of all? Prior and Future Black military service.

Now, for those who are just tuning in to my point: One of the ways in which WE were finally judged by the content of our character and inclusion into American society was through the doorway of military service. From the Revolutionary War to WW II, many African Americans have held to the ideal of military service as a necessary portion of our duty of being good citizens–even when we were denied admission, beaten out of pay, or not recognized for our full contributions to the national defense. The eventual order to desegregate the US armed forces was a solid, undeniable result of decades of Black and Brown soldiers serving, sacrificing and dying to protect America.

We weren’t cowards…but over comers. Remember the Double-V campaign?

Military service had been seen by our ancestors as both being honorable and necessary. Who could forget the exploits of African Americans in the military prior to the Civil Rights era? History books and papers continue to be written about various and sundry contributions, honors, and sacrifices made on domestic and foreign shores.

As my space is limited, I would invite any young person to search for the following books at their local library or on line to prove my historical point:

*“Black Brass: Black Generals and Admirals in the Armed Forces of the United States.” By Henry E. Dabbs.

*“The Golden Thirteen: Recollections of the first Black Naval Officers.” By Paul Stillwell.

*Lastly, “Hell Fighters: African American soldiers in World War I.” By Michael L. Cooper.


With the repeal of D.A.D.T. by those firmly in the pocket of the homosexual lobby, the phrase “…spiritual wickedness in high places…” takes on a more sinister reality. It mocks past Black military sacrifice for the ‘thrill’ of the sexual preference of the gay solider.

Back in the days of the Vietnam War, there was an innovation known as ‘fragging’ that took place in the field. Simply stated, if an officer was not looking out for his men, he could expect to receive a grenade appropriately placed or tossed into his living area. Other officers got the word and ‘straightened up’ quickly, once they found out that their troops would not tolerate cruelty or incompetence.

This will be making a comeback…bet me.

Want more, oh wise social engineers? Well, you can forget recruitment numbers being sustained in the current volunteer US military ranks. Many anti-homosexual men and women will ‘serve out their hitch’ and not re-enlist. Mandates and stalled release dates for the sake of keeping the ranks full can only work so long. Thus, let’s see how many gay men and women will fill those open spots in the military manpower pool.

Then, there are ‘old schoolers’ like me. I’m the next threat. Even though I’m a strong supporter of the military, I can no longer–thanks to the gay lobby, their friends in Congress and the Obama administration–recommend military service as a viable career option to our young people. Believe me, there are plenty of us who remember military service as honorable. Not anymore. Yes, young man, register for military service…but you don’t have to serve UNLESS the draft is re-instituted.

How could we forget the draft?

This also will be making a comeback–again thanks to the social engineers.

Boy, oh boy, it’s going to be interesting to hear the president compel Congress to bring back the draft “for the sake of national security”. It will be even more interesting to see if women will be included in those getting their numbers pulled. After all, you’ve come a long way, baby! The draft does not discriminate.

The biggest risk from the policy change? There are far too many of our soldiers stationed in Muslim-populated areas. Islam is very specific about homosexuality throughout the Quran. Christianity is very specific about homosexuality throughout the Bible. We have just given those who are fighting against the USA more ammunition to kill ANY US troops…period. I wonder if the ‘architects’ of the repeal considered this before they made their decision?

Staff Writer; Mike Ramey

This talented writer can be reached at the following address; manhoodline@yahoo.com.