Dating Tips for the Modern Man…

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( I’m a relationship coach, so any time I meet someone new, I have to ask “Are you seeing any one?” Some people cringe when I ask this, as the pain of a recent break up crosses their face. Others roll their eyes, exhausted at the thought of having to talk about their endless quest for love and the unlimited number of miserable dates they’ve been on.

There are those who yearn earnestly to have someone to call their own, and they lament at the fear of never finding their one true love. And then there  are those who perk up at the opportunity to talk about their journey and the respect they have for those who choose to risk it all and take the ultimate plunge into love.

No matter where you are in your quest for love and fulfillment, there are specific things you can do to ensure that you are honoring your journey and putting your best face forward when it comes to finding love. Here are a few flirt tips to help you go from ‘hello’ to landing a date in just one conversation.

Be presentable– Poppycock to the peacock! Leave the flash and feathers at home. Dress nicely in a style that represents you. You want your style to be the best of you. If you want to be with someone who takes care of themselves then you need to follow suit and be presentable.

Be comfortable in your own skin– Whether you have a wing man, or are flying solo, you need to be comfortable in your own skin. If you want someone to value you and take an interest in who you are, you have to love and accept yourself first.

Be inquisitive, be personal and share yourself– In order to put someone at ease and to make an instant connection, ask questions that allow them to open up and share who they are. Be personal, entertaining and witty, and tell a funny anecdote or story that allows you to show off your sense of humor.

Listen and respond honestly and positively– It is so important to listen and respond with honesty and positivity, because this shows that you are open and accepting of others. The best connections come when two people really listen and respond with respect. Leave the judgmental comments for your next trip to the movies.

Intimacy– Be emotionally revealing by using feeling statements and allow yourself to be vulnerable. People relate to feelings, especially when you are opening up and talking about a situation, story or incident that made you feel vulnerable. This type of connection creates instant intimacy.

Find the common ground– Search for the common interests that connect you, and make mental notes for date suggestions. If you find out that you both enjoy surfing or love the water, then suggest a beach day. If she is interested in art, then suggest a trip to the museum to see a special exhibit. If she has a passion for food, then suggest a restaurant that just opened. Finding the common ground will show her that you are listening, you care about her interests, and it gives you the chance to create a spectacular date.

Written By Rebecca Brody

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