How to Use Effective Methods to Discipline Your Child…

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( Instilling the right way of doing things and helping your child grow up with understanidng good morals and values can be a bit challenging. Here are effective ways to teach and discipline your child.

1. Teach and instruct them in what is right. This includes honesty, respect, integrity, how to treat one another, our words, attitudes, actions etc.

2. Take advantage of moments in your child’s life that can be used to teach them vital principles in life. Keep your eyes open for such opportunities. It  can come up when you least expect it. It can be at the park, in the mornings, after dinner and at other times.

3. Teach them by being an example of what want to learn and the type of person you want them to become. If you want them to be honest, respectful and obedient children, then as a parent you need to exercise honesty in the small things, show respect toward other people and obeying the laws of the road.

4. Be Clear about the consequences of wrong behavior. Write down unacceptable behaviors and what the consequence for each behavior would be. It is wise to give them a genuine explanation of why you do not approve of that behavior. Do not tell them because I said so. Punish wisely, but never in anger. Do not scream or yell at your child. This is not effective method to bring a change in your child.

5. As a parent, you need to ask, what is the most appropriate way for my child to learn from this, and what exactly am I trying to teach him/her. You need to help your child to also understand why he/she is being punished and he/she should have done and instead and what is expected of them in the future.

6. Always keep the lines of communication open with your child. Find out what is really going on inside and what may be the reason for your child’s reactions. Always let your child know he/she is loved.