Reading The Book of Life For Liberty…

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( I believe in the constitution. The constitution in question is written on each person’s soul and underwrites reality itself. Called Natural Law in the West it is my most basic world view. This informs whatever ideologies and practices chosen. Reflected in the three major monotheistic religions; numerous lesser known ones and individual realizations aplenty, this perspective spiritually frees people from external control. Being Black and a lifelong explorer of Natural Law makes for a fun ride. Collectivist assumptions about faith and Black folks abound. If you’re Enzi100 Christian there are sets of limiting preconceived notions. The same hold true for Hebrew and Muslim worshipers. Each has a holy book and internal divisions over interpretation. One unusual “holy book” I study is termed the Book of Life. Its combination of experience and meditation quicken the spirit as surely as scriptural reading. A people so heavily controlled should avail themselves of liberating personal relationships with their Creator, however  understood.
Consider the spiritual underpinnings of the Black liberal civil rights establishment and its conservative counterpart. Spiritual similarities simply can’t be overlooked. Each offers doctine based upon scripture and moral lessons from faith communities. As prejudiced public/private partnerships whipped our spirits we clung all the more to theological motivation. The Black embrace of the metaphysical has worked literal miracles in the secular world. While community liberals and conservatives quibble over real differences, this tie binds them together. Valid ideological differences shouldn’t outweigh common conclusions about God and man. That’s why I think it’s such a waste of time for Black folks to argue over religion. The vast majority of us, denominations and faiths aside, often say the same thing!!! Our basic premise is a Creator made us; no institution should limit God-given potential for discriminatory reasons and community standards should be based upon revealed truth from scripture and personal relationships with the Divine. Everyone from TD Jakes to Louis Farrakhan agree on those points.
I believe in the constitution. The one written on each persons soul that also underwrites reality itself. I read the US constitution. I also read holy books.
Reading” the book of life around and within completes the process. Liberty depends upon an active spiritual life, regardless of label. Uniting around this premise alone may cut argument down to a minimum.

Written By Nadra Enzi

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